Thursday, December 8, 2011

Plumbing Started

I started the interior plumbing.  I had a 1000 gallon cistern put in the back yard that will collect rain water from the gutters.  The gutter water will collect in a catch basin and then overflow into the cistern and leave any solids form the gutter in the catch basin.  I have a submersible pump in the cistern that will pump water back into the house when the pressure tank falls below a certain pressure.  The pressure tank provides pressure to the fixtures when somebody opens the faucet or any other fixture.  This prevents the pump from having to turn on every time the fixture is opened.

The pressure tank will then push the water a filter and then to a manifold that will send water to each fixture.  The hot water will be provided by an propane tankless water heater.  I'll install that later.

This is the laundry room that will have the plumbing fixtures and hot water tank mounted.

Pressure tank mounted

Water manifold temporarily mounted to pressure tank.

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