Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Roof is in ....

It was another hot weekend with myself and JP doing work on the cabin.  We completed the sheeting on the roof.  Since the pitch of the roof is so steep I sheeted from the eves to the ridge and then worked in reverse to lay down the tar paper.  It's not the easiest thing to tuck tar paper under the row above it but since my toe boards were in place I decided (based on advice) to do it this way.

While I worked on the roof, JP installed most of the windows.  We had our material handler on the site for one more day so we put the trapezoid picture windows in from the lift.  This would have been impossible from a ladder.  We still have more work at the peaks so we will need to get an additional piece of equipment to complete the rest of the fascia.

Roof Sheeting is complete.
JP can barely see over the dash but did well driving this thing....

Windows are going in....

Windows are installed...

Interior view.  The real boss (wife: Marisa)  is on the job now! 

My dad bought me this crazy magnet roller before I started this and I never thought I would use it but my little boy cleaned up all of the loose nails on the floor.

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